On 11th June, ALIBERICO obtained the Safe and Clean Company certificate awarded by ADEFAM, the Association of Family Businesses in Madrid, which allows its employees to return to their offices with full security.

KPMG is responsible for verifying that the procedures and activities implemented in the companies applying for the BSAFE seal are considered to be hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing measures in accordance with the COVID-19 Management Policy of the Madrid Association of Family Businesses

ALIBERICO, adhering to the COVID-19 Management Policy, has facilitated all kinds of measures: preventive, detective and response, with the aim of minimizing as much as possible the risk of COVID-19 contagion among its workers, customers and related third parties.

Extreme hygiene measures, respect for the minimum social distance in all work stations, signs throughout the office with indications of the safety protocol, and providing new measures to reach the offices, as well as hydroalcoholic gel, masks and all the necessary material and instructions to mitigate the risk of incidents, have contributed to obtaining this certificate.

ALIBERICO always committed to health and welfare (SDG 3), thanks its employees for their efforts and their commitment and involvement in this new normality to continue providing the best service.


ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING in its continuous process of improvement, has developed a new bottom for its aluminium food containers making them more resistant.

In its constant commitment to quality, food safety and the protection of the environment, the aluminium with which ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING‘s containers are manufactured, has managed to exceed the quality standards of the UNE-EN ISO 9001, FSSC 22000 and UNE-EN ISO 14001 regulations. For this reason, another of the new container’s novelties is that the food safety mark appears on the bottom.

There is also the aluminium recycling symbol, which guarantees that it is a 100% recyclable product. This is because it is a material that by its nature has perfect and ideal properties for the reuse of the raw material without losing its properties during the process.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING always committed to innovation (SDG 9 ) and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).



Clemente González Soler, President of  Aliberico  has participated in the CEOE business summit, today dedicated to the industry and in which the most representative companies of the sector have collaborated to analyze the needs of Spain in order to get out of the COVID-19 crisis.

In his speech, Clemente González Soler highlighted the setback of the industry in Spain that during the last 50 years, has lost 20 points of the GDP in contrast to the rest of the western countries. « It is necessary to recover the weight of the industry on the GDP, because the industry offers a more stable work, of greater qualification, contributes much more export and R&D« .

« A country’s economy is what its businesses are« . The companies are responsible for the productivity and the administrations of the environment. With productivity and a good environment we will manage to be a more competitive Spain, » said the President of Aliberico.

In the closing of his speech, he stressed the need for in-house production of aluminium in Spain, which has gone from having five aluminium raw material plants to just one, with aluminium being a material increasingly consumed per capita and present in our daily lives: transport, facades, insulation, food and pharmacy, among others.

« We must make Spain one of the most attractive nations in the world to invest in, visit and live in. Without a strong industry it will be difficult to survive. Industry guarantees the economic development of the country, » concluded Clemente González Soler.

Alucoat® clopp y Alucoat® clopp+, safety closures for pharma and cosmetics

Within the wide range of products offered by ALUCOAT, Alucoat® clopp is found, this product is intended for the production of pilfer proof closures for bottles in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry. This kind of closure guarantee the hermetic content avoiding the contact with external agents that can interfere in its composition.

Alucoat® clopp has been developed with special resins that withstand the demanding sterilization process of pharmacy and cosmetics industry, that guarantees the highest quality and hygiene.

Alucoat® clopp +, with composition BPA-NI, comply the most exigent norms, even with French regulation 2012-1442, regulations governing the control of bisphenol A (BPA) that is in contact with foods or medicines, achieving an excellent resistance to sterilization and corrosion, and an outstanding flexibility and drawability.

In both versions, both Alucoat® clopp and Alucoat® clopp + offer their clients the tranquillity and confidence necessary in as rigorous as the pharmaceutical and the cosmetics markets.

ALUCOAT, investing in innovation and industry (SDG 9), always at the forefront of product development.

aluNID® renforce sa présence internationale et interagit avec un nouveau marché: les États-Unis d’Amérique

Grâce à l’effort constant et au développement des dernières technologies disponibles sur le marché, aluNID® arrive aux États-Unis, offrant d’excellentes solutions dans divers secteurs.

aluNID®, spécialiste de la fabrication de panneaux à âme en nid d’abeille, est présent dans différents secteurs, grâce à la polyvalence de ce produit, et se retrouve dans de nombreuses applications. Dans le secteur industriel, on le trouve dans les plafonds flottants pour l’industrie pétrolière, dans les bardages architecturaux, sur les façades des bâtiments, dans la décoration intérieure et extérieure. Dans le secteur des transports, dans les carrosseries de véhicules, dans les voitures de train et les composants de navires.

Le nid d’abeille répond aux besoins les plus divers des clients. Dans un monde en constante évolution, aluNID® devient la solution parfaite, s’adaptant chaque jour aux nouvelles applications et secteurs dans lesquels il opère.

Des panneaux alvéolaires en aluminium sur mesure sont fabriqués chez aluNID®, en utilisant une grande variété de dimensions et de tailles de cellules, en fonction de l’application souhaitée par chaque client et des caractéristiques nécessaires du produit final.

aluNID® investit dans l’industrie, l’innovation et les infrastructures (ODD 9) et avec une vision toujours tournée vers l’avenir, il parie sur les marchés leaders, démontrant son engagement auprès des clients et le large éventail de secteurs qu’il peut fournir.

High quality lids for product preservation

IBERFOIL’s aluminium, submitted to the highest standards and quality regulation, are the best solution for the lids of the beverages that we use every day.

Due to its high resistance, to its unequalled properties of waterproofing and heat-sealing, they keep your drinks fresh during the summer, as well as, guaranteeing the maximum security for the consumer, preserving the product without generating any smell or taste and protecting it from external agents.

Thus, in the case of liquid foods such as yoghurts, smoothies or milk, thanks to IBERFOIL aluminium, they are kept in perfect condition for longer, maintaining the temperature and extending the time of ingestion.

Moreover, IBERFOIL’s aluminium is completely recyclable, therefore, it reduces the impact on the environment.

On the other hand, thanks to the properties that aluminium has, it is the perfect product to seal medical packages. Both syrups, cans containing vaccines or vitamins, require specific treatments to ensure that the content is kept tight until use, preventing spills or external agents can enter. For this reason IBERFOIL aluminium takes care of you guaranteeing the maximum security in the manufacture of the aluminium.

IBERFOIL aluminiumhygiene, security and maximum quality, betting on responsible production and consumption (SDG 12)

Alucoat® Prelac, sécurité et engagement pour le secteur alimentaire

ALUCOAT, spécialiste dans la fabrication de bobine d’aluminium laqué, compte dans sa gamme de produits le prétraitement exclusif Alucoat® Prelac, qui fournit des propriétés incomparables pour le secteur de l’industrie alimentaire.

Alucoat® Prelac, est un système de dernière génération pour dégraisser et prétraiter chimiquement l’aluminium. 100% sans chrome et spécialement conçu pour les bandes aluminium, il améliore la résistance à la corrosion ainsi que l’adhérence de tous les types de laques. Il est adapté pour le contact alimentaire sous la réglementation FDA (Food and Drugs Administration) et EU, ce qui en fait une solution efficace pour le secteur alimentaire où la sécurité prime, la tranquillité et la confiance du client.

Des produits tels que Alucoat® CS et airlid®, sont des solutions d’emballage avec des propriétés de haute résistance à la chaleur, résistance à la stérilisation et pasteurisation ainsi qu’un démoulage facile ainsi qu’une résistance aux aliments à pH acide. Ainsi, ils améliorent leurs propriétés en utilisant ce prétraitement exclusif et font partie de nos produits de haute sécurité et engagement avec l’industrie alimentaire. Tous ces produits donnent confiance à nos clients et consommateurs sous la stricte réglementation FDA.

ALUCOAT, votre sécurité est notre priorité. Engagée dans la production et la consommation responsables (ODD 12).

aluNID® 100% respectueux de l’environnement avec de l’aluminium recyclable

Dans un monde en constante évolution et en développement, où le bien-être de notre environnement et la durabilité sont essentiels, aluNID® se démarque par son engagement pour l’environnement, toujours en conformité avec les normes et standards les plus exigeants du secteur.

aluNID®, fonctionne avec plus de 50% d’aluminium recyclé, réalisant une production beaucoup plus durable et des économies d’énergie significatives dans sa fabrication, ce qui réduit considérablement l’impact sur l’environnement.

Sa production continue permet une fabrication efficace avec des délais de livraison courts, ce qui, combiné à la technologie la plus avancée du secteur, permet la clé de son succès, en offrant toujours la plus haute qualité à nos clients.

aluNID®, dans un engagement continu pour l’environnement, basé sur la durabilité, la production et la consommation responsable (ODD 12).


ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, leader in semi-rigid aluminium packaging systems for food, launches its new corporate video, with a renewed, modern, updated and technological image.

You will be able to see the great digitalization that has been carried out, its advanced and fast production processes and its modern facilities located in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
Discover the infinite possibilities of ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING’s food aluminium containers, as well as our commitment to quality, the environment and Sustainable Development Objectives.

This new corporate video is the result of the alignment between the great team it is made up of and the innovation to adapt to the new market demands.

Find in the video the value proposal that ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING focuses on its customers.
ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, products manufactured to each client.