On 11th June, ALIBERICO obtained the Safe and Clean Company certificate awarded by ADEFAM, the Association of Family Businesses in Madrid, which allows its employees to return to their offices with full security.

KPMG is responsible for verifying that the procedures and activities implemented in the companies applying for the BSAFE seal are considered to be hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing measures in accordance with the COVID-19 Management Policy of the Madrid Association of Family Businesses

ALIBERICO, adhering to the COVID-19 Management Policy, has facilitated all kinds of measures: preventive, detective and response, with the aim of minimizing as much as possible the risk of COVID-19 contagion among its workers, customers and related third parties.

Extreme hygiene measures, respect for the minimum social distance in all work stations, signs throughout the office with indications of the safety protocol, and providing new measures to reach the offices, as well as hydroalcoholic gel, masks and all the necessary material and instructions to mitigate the risk of incidents, have contributed to obtaining this certificate.

ALIBERICO always committed to health and welfare (SDG 3), thanks its employees for their efforts and their commitment and involvement in this new normality to continue providing the best service.