ALIBERICO takes part in Madrid’s Corporate Run: Health and Teamwork

ALIBERICO showcased its commitment to health, well-being, and teamwork by participating in Madrid’s Corporate Run on Sunday December 17th. This event seamlessly blends sports with the business realm, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 3: « Good Health and Well-being. »

ALIBERICO‘s involvement in this run goes beyond mere competition, focusing on strengthening bonds among its members and advocating for a healthy lifestyle. The event provided an opportunity to share experiences in a setting distinct from the usual workplace environment.

Valuing participation in events that contribute to well-being and team cohesion, ALIBERICO aligns itself with the principles of SDG 3. The company continues to champion health, well-being, and teamwork with every stride.

ALIBERICO, propelling health, well-being, and teamwork with each step.