IBERFOIL recognized with MAZ Award

On April 28th, the Mutual Accident Insurance Company of Zaragoza (Mutua de Accidentes de Zaragoza – MAZ) announced the names of the awarded companies in its 10th edition of the MAZ Awards. The purpose of these awards is to recognize the effort and trajectory of companies in promoting workplace health and preventing occupational hazards.

The jury that granted the award was composed of members of the MAZ Board of Directors, advised by a Technical Committee of experts in Occupational Risk Prevention and Occupational Health.

All the submitted applications were evaluated, giving greater consideration to those that demonstrated their commitment as a healthy company, accrediting compliance with various points, including: the existence of a Policy for promoting health in the company, the commitment and leadership of Management in health promotion, the involvement of the entire company structure in promoting Safety and Health, a positive evolution of accident rates, and improvement in absenteeism rates.

In addition to meeting all these requirements, IBERFOIL has been awarded the MAZ Award in category B (companies with 50 to 149 employees) as recognition for its sports activities and support in matters of equality and the environment to improve the health and work environment of its employees at its Sabiñánigo factory.

This recognition highlights the effort, dedication, and firm commitment of IBERFOIL to the protection and well-being of its employees, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment for all.

IBERFOIL, caring for people and the environment with advanced aluminium solutions.