Dieses Forum ist als ein Platz des Treffens zwischen Unternehmen, Körperschaften und Organisationen konzipiert, die daran interessiert sind, Arbeitssuchende zu treffen, die eine neue Beschäftigungsmöglichkeit suchen, und feiert dieses Jahr seines viertes Jubiläum. Dieses Jahr wird es jedoch aufgrund des COVID-19 mit einem anderen Ansatz und virtuell abgehalten.

Am Mittwoch 21 Oktober wird in der Web einen Platz veröffentlichen , wo ALUCOIL und andere teilnehmenden Unternhemen sich vorstellen werden und die von Ihnen suchenden und zurzeit annehmenden Arbeitsprofilen bekannt machen werden. Darüberhinaus wird ein Platz ausgestellt , wo die Teilnhemenden mehr Information über die Unternehmen und einen Briefkasten um die Lebensläufe zu schicken zu finden ist.

Dabei und sich an die neue aktuelle Situiation anzupassen ist es völlig sichtbar wie dieses Forum und die daran teinehmenden Unternhemen zur Seite Miranda und ihre Bürger und Bürgerinnen stehen , indem sie neue Arbeitsmöglichkeiten und die Arbeitssuche und Ausbildung fördern.

Aluminium, the safest material against coronavirus

The new COVID-19 virus that is hitting the entire world has had a huge impact on our daily lives. In order to prevent it from spreading further, we must keep an eye on the health and safety measures recommended by the WHO.

In February 2020, in the renowned newspaper „The Journal of Hospital Infection“, a scientific trial was published which was aimed at studying the durability of the coronavirus on different surfaces such as: plastic, wood, glass, aluminium, paper, latex and PVC among others.

The study, which can be read in (I), concludes that, taking an equal temperature for all surfaces, for example 21ºC, aluminium is the surface where the virus persists the least, with a „resistance“ of between 2 and 8 hours, well below the other surfaces studied where the virus „resists“ from 2 to 6 days.

It also indicates that, in order to avoid the transmission of the virus, it is essential to constantly follow cleaning and hygienic habits of the surfaces with disinfectant products based on a specific chemical composition and the constant washing of hands and use of gels with alcohol, measures to be followed indicated by the WHO.

Aluminium is therefore a material with a very low virus persistence index, it is safer than other materials against COVID-19 and, following the measures indicated by the WHO, it does not have a significant impact on the transmission of the virus.

Alibérico has always promoted and designed aluminium products due to their high performance, their infinite recyclability and now as a safer material against COVID-19.26

Source: (I)


The powder coating designed by ALUCOIL for laminated products:
    • It is of high quality.
    • It has an advanced composition, allowing to bend it at 0T (180º) without cracking.
    • It allows to lacquer both coils and sheets without altering the flatness of the product.
    • It has excellent weather resistance and anti-corrosion behaviour, with a guarantee of up to 10 years.
    • Its use has a low environmental impact.
    • It is one of the best coatings in the building, industry and transport sectors.

If you would like a sample, please contact us!

linfoil®, preserves your food and takes care of you

ALUCOAT, specialist in lacquering aluminium coils, offers, within its wide range of products, linfoil®, a material that is used for the manufacture of lids in the food sector and that complies with European regulations, as well as FDA for direct contact with food.

With linfoil®, ALUCOAT guarantees the best conservation of the lids thanks to the quality and durability of the lacquered aluminium. This, together with its excellent sealing properties, compared to plastic, has very good printability so that the designs are fully customisable according to each customer’s specifications.

In addition, thanks to its high resistance to light, heat or cold and humidity, it prevents food from coming into contact with external agents that could modify its properties or taste. This makes linfoil® the most versatile, customisable and sustainable solution because the aluminium is a 100% recyclable material.

With different thermosealing options, linfoil® is the ideal solution for the manufacture of lids for dairy products, like milk, pâté or jam packaging, among others. Within the range of solutions that ALUCOAT offers, you can find:

It also has some special products for those foods that, due to their composition, require special properties, being resistant to the usual sterilization processes in the food industry such as:

ALUCOAT, always committed to innovation (SDG 9), quality and good service.

aluNID®, inside the pharmaceutical industry and new hospital areas

Thanks to the most advanced technologies in the aluminium market, aluNID® offers its clients in the pharmaceutical and hospital building sectors the best components, providing its exclusive honeycomb core to the main manufacturers of composite panels for clean rooms, laboratories and buildings hospitals in Europe.

At hospital, and pharmaceutical environments, cleaning and disinfection is essential to ensure that the tools and products they use are not contaminated and are safe.
aluNID® provides lightness, safety and quality, playing a fundamental role in all areas of the new pharmaceutical industry and new hospital areas.

The use of aluNID® honeycomb core panels in clean rooms is becoming more and more common; its impermeability, lightness and resistance make it an essential element for these highly sensitive environments. In addition, its assembly is very simple and fast, which speeds up the installation process and does not delay construction times.

aluNID® guarantees safe and efficient systems for new sanitary constructions (SDG 3).

termolac® präsentiert sein neues Video!

termolac® ist die von ALUCOIL entwickelte hochwertige Pulverbeschichtung für laminierte Produkte. Dank seiner fortschrittlichen Qualität und Zusammensetzung sind Bänder, Bleche und Platten biz zur  180º kantfähig , ohne dass die Farbe reißt.

termolac®, verbindet hohe Belastbarkeitseigenschaften mit hervorragenden mechanischen Eigenschaften und verändert die Planheit der Produkte nicht. All dies, zusammen mit seiner unbegrenzten Farbpalette, macht ihn zu einem der besten Beschichtungen auf dem Markt in den Bereichen Bau, Industrie und Transport.

Die Arbeit mit Termolac® setzt außerdem eine geringe Umweltbelastung voraus, da die Herstellung ohne Lösungsmittel erfolgt und keine giftigen Gase emittiert werden.

Die Termolac®-Beschichtung wird besonders für den Bau von Kassetten für Fassaden empfohlen; Formen mit Aluminium-Finish, verzinkter Stahl, Tiefziehmetallverfahren…

Warten Sie nicht darauf, mehr über dieses Produkt zu erfahren, schauen Sie sich das Video an!


With the new website, IBERFOIL modernizes and gets closer to its customers.

IBERFOIL, a rolling mill plant, specialized in the manufacture of thin aluminium sheet, launches its new website, modern and intuitive, to strengthen its online presence and to be able to offer all the updated information of the factory, getting closer to the current customers as well as to other potential customers and improving the user’s experience.

The new website gathers all the information, the know-how, the experience and the markets in which IBERFOIL operates. The factory, located in Sabiñánigo, Huesca, (Spain), has a great industrial capacity and a very high technological level offering a great diversity of advanced solutions in aluminium in the sectors of cosmetics and pharmacy, food packaging, beverage caps, building, signage, Fin stock, industrial use and automotive, among others.

The new IBERFOIL website is more versatile and accessible. You can know in a simple, clear and very visual way who we are, what we do, how we work and what is our commitment to the environment.

Enter now in the new web and live the experience!


Recovered façades thanks to larson® panels

Nowadays, the value and updating of properties are highly increased by the building restoration. Taking the advantages of versality and adaptability of the larson® panels for any project, they become in the best solution to do that, being no necessary to modify the structure of buildings. Furthermore, they offer the largest range of colors available in the market, as well as a quality guarantee and being an easily recyclable option.

The larson® composite panels are in the most spectacular constructions all over the world. Taking the two most recent examples done in the United States, the restoration and extension of the Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center, in which more than 7.000 square meters of larson® panels were installed, being a complete beautiful and functional change. Another good and significant example is the historical building Jack Valenti, from 60’s, located in Washington, which has been modernized thanks to the installation of more than 3.000 square meters of larson® composite panels.

The designers of both buildings agree in the reasons to use the larson® composite panels due to their high resistance, durability in any climatic condition, easy installation way and excellent naturalness of colours.

ALUCOIL is always committed to the innovation, the infrastructure (SDG 19) in cities and sustainable communities (SDG 11), offering advanced and innovative solution in the aluminium field with their larson® panels.

IBERFOIL, Committed to the enviroment

Taking a look back and comparing society’s awareness with the environment, it is clear that right now society is much more committed and concerned about caring for the planet, many patterns of behaviour have changed such as the incessant search for less polluting energies and the continuous commitment to materials that have less impact on the environment and can be reused and recycled. Aluminium, IBERFOIL’s raison d’être, is one of the materials that complies with all sustainability requirements.

Firstly, because it is one of the most “eco friendly” materials known, it is 100% recyclable, being able to be reused infinite times without generating waste. The efficient recycling process of aluminium means that the impact it has on the environment is practically zero because once the aluminium has fulfilled its first function, the entire material is recycled and given a second life and so many uses as you wish.

All this, together with the sustainability policies promoted by IBERFOIL, confirm the high commitment that the factory has with the respect and care of the environment.  Also, the strong bet for the investigation, innovation and the continuous improvement, basic pillars of IBERFOIL, guarantee that the quality of its products is the highest.

IBERFOIL is committed to responsible production and consumption (SGD 12) and action for the climate (SDG 13).

AIRFIN®, the best choice for heat exchangers

Air conditioning equipment requires components that resist its continuous exposure to the environment, changes in temperatures cold/heat and in some situations corrosive environments that can reduce its useful life.
For this reason, ALUCOAT has developed the range AIRFIN®, for the production of fins for heat exchangers, which improves the benefits of air conditioning equipment thanks to the different coating we have, specially designed to meet the different requirements of this sector. Our AIRFIN® range, has the following products:

AIRFIN® 500: among our solutions, it is the one with best performance. Double layer product with incomparable results in terms of resistance to corrosion and U.V. rays
AIRFIN®400: It provides a response to those customers who require that the product be extremely resistant to both corrosion and UV rays.
AIRFIN® 300: for those customers that requires a wide resistance to U.V. rays.
AIRFIN® 100: With high corrosion resistance, it is the most demanded versions among all the available solutions that ALUCOAT offers.

ALUCOAT, with different qualities and benefits, we satisfy the needs of a market with diverse applications. Its products contribute to affordable and clean energy (SDG7).