ALIBERICO, a strong support on International Women’s Day

On International Women’s Day, ALIBERICO reaffirms its commitment to equal opportunities for all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion. It has always been a priority for ALIBERICO to promote an equitable and just society in all aspects.

ALIBERICO has always promoted professional development based on merit, with a policy of internal promotion and is proud to have a high percentage of management positions currently held by women, a significant achievement in an industry traditionally led by men.

In addition to its commitment to internal egalitarian policies, ALIBERICO sponsors various initiatives that promote gender equality and opportunities. This includes sponsoring the Olympia Las Rozas Women’s Football Club since 2020, and in 2024, IBERFOIL has signed a collaboration agreement with the women’s team of SD Huesca. Both sponsorships reflect a firm commitment to equal opportunities, inclusion, and contribute to breaking down barriers and stigmas in the world of sports.

ALIBERICO continues its mission to support working women, promote gender equality and contribute to a fairer and more inclusive future for all.