Advanced Factories rewards the President of Aliberico

Clemente González Soler, President of Aliberico, has been awarded with the Business Career Achievement Award given by the ADVANCED FACTORIES Congress in recognition of the work, leadership and transformation of those companies that are committed to innovation and sustainability and adapt to the new era of Industry 4.0.

On 29 March 2022, the ADVANCED FACTORIES Exhibition and Congress was inaugurated in Barcelona, the most important event in industrial automation, robotics, machine tools and digital manufacturing, which will bring together industry leaders over the next few days to discuss topics such as new business models, new production processes and the implementation of Industry 4.0.

The guests of honour at the opening ceremony were Raül Blanco, Secretary General of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Government of Spain, and Arturo Aliaga, Vice President and Minister of Industry of the Government of Aragon, who presented Clemente González Soler, President of Aliberico, with the Business Career Achievement Award.

This prestigious award recognises the effort, dedication and passion that have moved the president of Aliberico to lead the most innovative and sustainable industrial projects of the last decades in Spain. His latest major project has been the creation of a new factory for the recycling of aluminium scrap and its smelting to transform it back into coils and thus complete the Circle of Circular Economy, becoming self-sufficient and a reference in sustainability.

Several representatives of companies involved in the industrial sector are taking part in the Congress, a sector that is currently leading an important change in digitalisation, key to a better, more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

aluNID®: de nouvelles applications pour les ascenseurs, cabines et téléphériques.

Les ascenseurs, cabines et téléphériques sont devenus un élément important de la vie moderne. Les bâtiments sont de plus en plus hauts et nous disposons de la technologie et de l’ingénierie nécessaires pour relier deux points quelles que soient la distance et la différence de hauteur.

En outre, il s’agit d’un outil important qui est utilisé quotidiennement par de nombreux utilisateurs. Pour cette raison, la légèreté et la résistance des matériaux utilisés sont fondamentales pour garantir la sécurité des personnes et la qualité de vie de l’ascenseur, de la cabine ou du funiculaire.

L’âme en nid d’abeille en aluminium aluNID®, est le matériau parfait pour la production de panneaux composites pour les mécanismes de déplacement, car c’est un matériau extrêmement léger et résistant. De plus, il est incombustible, possède une excellente conductivité thermique et électrique, d’excellentes propriétés de planéité, de résistance à la corrosion et est 100% recyclable.

De plus, sa légèreté favorise la réduction de la consommation d’énergie nécessaire au déplacement, des coûts de transport et des émissions de CO2, contribuant ainsi à réduire l’impact environnemental. (ODD11).

Ces propriétés sont la preuve évidente que l’âme en nid d’abeille aluminium aluNID® est le matériau idéal pour la production d’ascenseurs, de cabines et de téléphériques.

aluNID®, légèreté, résistance, qualité et sécurité au service de l’industrie des ascenseurs.


It will have 10,000 square metres of industrial buildings and 1,000 metres of office space on a 43,000 metre plot.

The work must be completed by 2022 and handed over to the owner before 30 December.

Sabiñánigo, 17 March – Iberfoil, the subsidiary of the Aliberico group specialising in thin sheet aluminium rolling, has selected the Aragonese construction company ACONTEBRO to build the warehouses and facilities for its new manufacturing project, called Iberfoil Integra, in Sabiñánigo (Huesca).

The new factory, with 10,000 square metres of industrial buildings and 1,000 square metres of offices, on a plot of 43,000 metres, will be built in an area adjacent to Iberfoil‘s current rolling mill, and should be completed by 2022 and handed over to the owner before 30 December.

Three years ago, the Aragonese company ACONTEBRO already built a 4,500 square metre building for Iberfoil for the installation of the aluminium coil tension levelling line.

Iberfoil, within its philosophy of working and collaborating with Aragonese companies, has selected ACONTEBRO‘s offer among those of many other Spanish construction companies interested in the project.

ACONTEBRO, owned by the Garcés family, has its headquarters in Zaragoza and is one of the leading construction companies in Spain in the construction of prefabricated concrete industrial buildings.

The Iberfoil Integra project was classified by the Government of Aragon on 19 May 2021 as a Project of Regional Interest and was published on 25 May in the Official Gazette of Aragon.

ALINTRA SYSTEMS obtains the certificate of Environmental Management

People are increasingly aware of and committed to caring for the environment. For their part, companies, as agents of change and benchmarks in environmental issues, are also devoting more and more efforts and resources to caring for the planet.

ALINTRA SYSTEMS, specialized in the manufacture of highly customized and high-quality parts for applications in the Transport and Industry Sectors, in its constant effort for continuous improvement, has recently implemented an environmental management system in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard, obtaining as a result the certification of compliance with this standard. This new quality seal certifies, on the one hand, that the Company has a system for the optimization of resources and waste generated during the production process, thus reducing negative impacts on the environment, and on the other hand, it demonstrates the commitment acquired in terms of environmental protection, and therefore its commitment to a green future.

This certification, together with the ISO 9001 quality certificate that ALINTRA SYSTEMS already had, shows the relevance that quality and sustainable development have for the company, being the pillars by which it is governed and which are integrated at all levels of the organization, activities and decisions.

The aim of the ALINTRA SYSTEMS team is for the management system to be a useful tool for achieving the best results and to serve as a reference framework for the establishment of objectives, making possible the continuous improvement of its products, the protection of the environment, environmental performance and customer satisfaction.

ALINTRA SYSTEMS, committed to responsible production and sustainable development (SDG 12).

ALUCOAT, une formation de qualité pour une société meilleure

ALUCOAT, une entreprise qui a plus de 25 ans d’expérience et qui compte actuellement 80 employés, est consciente de l’importance de la formation pratique dans le système éducatif actuel. Dans le but d’offrir les premières opportunités professionnelles aux étudiants inexpérimentés et d’essayer d’améliorer et de faciliter l’insertion des étudiants sur le marché du travail, ALUCOAT collabore étroitement avec les universités et les établissements d’enseignement.

L’entreprise dispose d’un vaste programme de stages et de bourses qui permet aux étudiants sur le point de terminer leurs diplômes, leur formation professionnelle ou qui viennent de terminer leurs cours, d’intégrer un véritable emploi où ils peuvent mettre en pratique ce qu’ils ont appris. Ces actions impliquent toujours une approche étroite entre les étudiants spécialisés et les besoins en main-d’œuvre d’ALUCOAT.

Grâce à la collaboration avec les entités et aux contrats de stage, les opportunités d’apprentissage sont promues pour un grand nombre d’emplois dans des environnements industriels, qui, dans de nombreux cas, conduisent à une embauche une fois la période de stage terminée. Chez ALUCOAT, aujourd’hui, 6 % du personnel sont d’anciens stagiaires, qui ont connu un grand développement professionnel, ce qui les a conduits dans certains cas à occuper des postes de direction au sein de l’organisation.

ALUCOAT, très attaché à la formation et à l’apprentissage, propose également des cours spécifiques et des cours de perfectionnement linguistique à ses employés, garantissant ainsi que son équipe est hautement qualifiée et au fait des dernières innovations du secteur.

Outre les bourses d’études, les stages et les formations internes, ALUCOAT travaille en étroite collaboration avec plusieurs universités pour le développement de prototypes et l’analyse d’échantillons, entre autres.

ALUCOAT, engagé en faveur d’une éducation de qualité (SDG 3), œuvre pour un avenir pour tous.

The revolution of Sanilux® modular operating rooms

SANILUX® is the range of specialized modular operating rooms for the sanitary world and surgical block of PREMO, a company owned by ALIBERICO, and a pioneer in space compartmentalization since 1965.

Among the many advantages offered by the SANILUX® modular system are the removability of the panels for quick inspection and agile maintenance, reduced assembly times and the elimination of waste and handling on site. It is an operating room with custom-designed and manufactured parts.

The interior structure is wide, allowing the passage of installations through it, a particularly interesting quality for operating rooms, due to their high number of cables, pipes, ducts, etc.

On the other hand, the vertical joints between panels are carried out through a proprietary design, the use of silicone is not required and its sterility and watertightness are guaranteed with double sealing point. In addition, this system allows leaded, which is essential for those operating rooms where it is necessary to perform radiological tests and all this without affecting the removability of the panels, as is the case of hybrid operating rooms, radiological rooms and high-performance rooms.

The panels that make up this modular system are larcore® panels, manufactured by ALUCOIL and machined in Alintra Systems, Alibérico Group companies, and are formed by two layers of aluminum with an inner honeycomb structure also in aluminum, which provides rigidity, flatness, excellent mechanical properties and lightness.

Recently, Grupo Premo has carried out the installation of a complete surgical block of 6 operating rooms, 3 of them hybrid in addition to the corridor of the clean area for the Vithas Group in its hospital complex in Madrid in Arturo Soria street and a hybrid operating room of large dimensions, along with its control room for the Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CUN) in Madrid.

Thanks to the versatility and advantages offered by SANILUX®, more and more hospitals and clinics are opting for this high-performance product.


With this investment, Aliberico expects to obtain environmental benefits equivalent to avoiding the annual emission of 200 tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and the plantation of 400 trees.

Madrid, Tuesday 1 February.- Aliberico, the leading private family-owned Spanish and European manufacturer of semi-finished aluminium products, has completed the connection of its first solar photovoltaic roof installation for self-consumption at the factory of its subsidiary RedBOND Composites, in Alicante.

The installation consists of 980 solar panels, with a power of 445.90kW, and with it Aliberico expects to obtain environmental benefits equivalent to avoiding the emission of 200 tons/year of CO2 into the atmosphere and the planting of 400 trees.

This investment is part of the Aliberico Group’s Sustainability Plan, which in 2022 focuses on promoting the Circular Economy and the drastic reduction of CO2 emissions, certifying the Group’s commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Specifically, the action carried out in RedBOND is focused in the SDG7 (affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (climate commitment).

« Aliberico’s purpose is to take care of people and the environment with advanced solutions in aluminium, an infinitely recyclable material. Our culture, based on continuous improvement and respect for the environment, has made our brand a reference for industrial sustainability, and we will continue to advance along this path in the upcoming years, » says Clemente González Soler, president of the Aliberico Group. 

Cubierta Solar, specialised in photovoltaic installations, has been the company in which Aliberico and RedBOND have relied to carry out the analysis, design and installation of the solar roof. This company is currently working on the analysis of the Group’s needs with a view to transferring these investments to the rest of its factories.

Luis Navarro Buciega, Manager of Cubierta Solar, highlights the importance of « leading companies in their sectors, such as Aliberico and its subsidiary RedBOND, taking the step and demonstrating their confidence in clean energies. An example of how it is possible to manufacture more efficiently, generating savings and providing significant benefits to the environment« .

RedBOND Composites, specialised in the manufacture of aluminium composite panels for digital printing, interior decoration and signage, is currently undertaking the expansion and modernisation of its factory in order to increase its export capacity. In this context, and in order to reduce CO2 emissions, it has chosen solar energy to cover part of its electricity supply, taking advantage of its privileged location for this type of installation.

Since the start of its activity in 2012, Aliberico has constantly investing in RedBOND, creating economic and social wealth in the area. A first production line was followed by a second one in 2018 with highly advanced technology that allowed to double its production capacity. In 2022, apart from the investment in the photovoltaic installation, it expects to complete the construction of a new warehouse.

RedBOND Composites exports more than 90% of its production and has doubled the number of employees in just 5 years.

ALUCOAT, une référence en matière de qualité et d’orientation client

La qualité du produit final et le service offert par ALUCOAT sont ses caractéristiques distinctives. Grâce à son expérience et à son savoir-faire, l’entreprise a non seulement obtenu les certificats les plus exigeants dans ce domaine, mais les clients avec lesquels elle travaille sont également très satisfaits.

En témoignent les résultats obtenus récemment dans le cadre de l’enquête de satisfaction « Voice of the Customer » (VoC), qui montrent que 80 % de ses clients nationaux et internationaux évaluent très positivement : la grande qualité du processus de revêtement et de laquage de ses bobines d’aluminium, le service personnalisé qu’ils reçoivent et les délais de livraison, qui sont les raisons pour lesquelles ils choisissent de travailler à nouveau avec ALUCOAT, leur fournisseur de confiance.

Avec une orientation client claire, ALUCOAT investit de grands efforts pour continuer à offrir la meilleure qualité dans le revêtement des bobines d’aluminium entre 20 et 500 microns, pour fournir à ses clients un service unique et personnalisé, pour innover de nouveaux produits afin de répondre à leurs besoins et pour continuer à être une référence dans son secteur.

ALUCOAT, industrie, innovation, qualité, engagement et dévouement (ODS 9)

aluNID®, sponsor officiel de l’équipe ARUS Andalucía Racing Team

De plus en plus d’universités et de centres éducatifs misent sur l’innovation et font confiance à aluNID® comme fournisseur d’âme en nid d’abeille pour leurs projets et leur participation à des concours internationaux.

L’équipe ARUS Andalucía Racing Team, de l’université de Séville, en est un exemple frappant. aluNID® a commencé sa collaboration avec cette équipe en 2018 et depuis, ils sont l’un de ses principaux sponsors. Formé par un groupe d’étudiants brillants issus de différents domaines, il concourt au niveau international dans le cadre de la compétition Formula Student, considérée comme la « carrière » de la Formule 1.

L’équipe ARUS Andalucía Racing Team est l’une des principales équipes de la compétition, et a connu le succès sur les circuits les plus importants tels que l’Autriche et l’Espagne, obtenant respectivement la 7ème et la 4ème place sur le podium général.

L’âme en nid d’abeille aluNID® est principalement utilisée comme atténuateur de chocs dans le châssis monocoque, ce qui confère au véhicule une plus grande résistance et une meilleure sécurité en cas de collision. En outre, grâce à la légèreté de ce matériau, le poids du véhicule est beaucoup plus faible, ce qui lui permet d’atteindre des vitesses plus élevées et une plus grande efficacité énergétique.

Grâce à ces propriétés, à la haute qualité du nid d’abeille en aluminium et aux bons résultats obtenus en course, la collaboration a été renouvelée pour la saison 21-22 et c’est aluNID® qui participera à la fabrication de la monoplace pour la saison suivante.

aluNID®, chef de file de la course Formula Student, soutient une éducation de qualité (SDG 4).

ALUCOIL launches its new website!

ALUCOIL, manufacturer of advanced materials for architecture, transport and industry launches its new website.

ALUCOIL, premieres virtual portal with a new updated image, renewed, elegant, more modern, intuitive and very visual. A website 100% adapted to the diversity of target audiences to which it is directed, with all the information at your fingertips at the click of a button.

Immerse yourself in this new experience and find all the information accompanied by the best images of the projects carried out by ALUCOIL in all markets in which it operates.

You will also have access to catalogues, colour charts and technical data sheets of all the products developed and manufactured by ALUCOIL.

Do not miss our web-app of projects and ALUCOIL Facade Design, where you can model your own idea of building in 3D, with all the shapes and colours you want.

Don’t wait any longer, discover the new website!