This summer, your meals are always protected with ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING

The months of July and August are, perhaps, the most desired by all, not only because they coincide with holiday periods, but also because the temperature is much warmer and invites you to go to the beach, to the mountains for sightseeing or to do turism. In order to take care of your health every day, due to the pandemic, your food containers are around you in your every-day life.

In each scenarios previously commented, in which we usually enjoy them with the company of family or friends, it is usual to bag the food and have a picnic, either to the sound of the waves, or in the shade of the trees, near a river, you can use them in any environment of our nature because our food containers are 100% recyclable and does not pollute it.

Thanks to ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING’s aluminium containers, the food is preserved in unbeatable conditions. It can withstand extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, so the food is kept in its own state, in addition, our packaging does not emit toxic substances, or odors or tastes that may affect the food, is ideal for carrying your food protected when you’re out all day, so that, our goal is „Around you in your every-day life

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING is always committed to health and well-being (SDG 3), responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) and climate action (SDG 13).

aluNID®, develops a new cell size: 1 inch

aluNID® has developed a new configuration of its aluminum honeycomb with a cell size of 1 ”. It´s the result of having implemented the most advanced technologies in the sector and the structure is much lighter and with a larger size than those manufactured so far.

The applications of aluNID® aluminum honeycomb are multiple and are present in a wide variety of sectors. 1-inch (25.40mm) configuration is especially suitable for use in storage tanks or floating roofs such as those used in the oil industry. Thanks to its particularly low weight and its precious characteristics of resistance to fire, corrosion, compression and cutting, they also make it a perfect product for sectors such as building construction and remodeling, for the automotive sector and for thermal insulation.

With this new configuration, aluNID®, once again expands the existing options on the market for the honeycomb core, conceiving itself as a much more flexible alternative and always offering its customers the best and most innovative solution to their needs.

aluNID®, always in continuous innovation (SDG 9), providing new solutions to the customer.

ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING, through the CEOE Foundation, makes a donation to several NGOs

Since last March, on the issue of the crisis caused by COVID-19, the economy and society have been seriously affected. Many people have had to turn to organizations that ensure that everyone has access to basic goods.
Faced with this situation, and through the CEOE Foundation, ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING has not hesitated to collaborate in solidarity and has donated more than 200 rolls of aluminium and 140,000 food containers to three NGOs to help the neediest people and ensure that the meals they offer are kept in perfect condition and can be served and transported easily.
Un inicio para todos„, an association that helps young people in vulnerable situations, „Fundación hospitalaria de la orden de Malta“ which was created to help groups in need of special attention and „Fundación Altius“ which was created to help those affected by the lack of employment, have all been very grateful for the donation.
ALIBERICO FOOD PACKAGING takes care of people with advanced solutions in aluminium. It is committed to the eradication of poverty (SDG 1), the fight against hunger (SDG 2) and health and well-being (SDG 3).

Sun creams protected with IBERFOIL’s aluminium, a product guarantee

During the summer months, the pleasant temperatures and the holidays, make possible to enjoy paradisiacal places like the beaches, trekking routes in the mountains or simply to spend a day accompanied by family or friends in the swimming pool, where, it is very important to protect the skin with a good sun cream.
It is normal that when you first open a cream, it has a thin protective foil of aluminium, which is key to ensuring that the product is in perfect condition and has all the properties intact.
IBERFOIL’s aluminium does not rust and does not interact with the product, preventing it from coming into contact with external elements before its use. IBERFOIL’s thin aluminium sheet is a guarantee of quality, with its use you can be sure that the product is in perfect conditions when you open it.
IBERFOIL keeps on taking care of you during your holidays. Always committed to health and wellbeing (SDG 3)

aluNID® impact resistant core

Thanks to high resistance-crushing ratio, Aluminum honeycomb aluNID® is an excellent energy absorber, making it one of the most efficient and safest materials on the automotive market.
aluNID® provides the ideal material for shock absorbers and driver protection against impacts and crash barriers, being the best alternative for the automotive industry, in addition to the railway, aerospace or nuclear industry where it is also used.
The “accordion effect” of the honeycomb aluNID® makes it deformable when it receives impacts or diverse forces, so in the event of a collision, the core will absorb all the energy, reducing the impact on the conductor. Thanks to this versatility and high resistance, the aluNID® honeycomb core is the perfect alloy for automotive body car because it is key to driver performance and safety.

aluNID® light, strong and with a custom design based on the specifications of each client, collaborating to maintain people’s health and well-being (SDG 3)

Coated aluminium, our reason of being

Aluminium, the third most common element in the earth’s crust, has wide variety of properties: it is light, resistant to corrosion, good energy and heat conductor, odourless, impermeable, good reflector and 100% recyclable. These properties can be improved thanks to a special extra coating that improves its performance as well as its appearance.

At ALUCOAT we are experts in coating aluminium and adding excellent properties to this metal, which is part of our daily lives.
At ALUCOAT we are dedicated to lacquering aluminium liquid in thickness between 20 and 500 microns with a wide variety of coating specially designed for each application and final use.

With our R&D department focused on the innovation and development of new products, our lacquers provide aluminium with properties adapted to the end use to be given such as: resistant to corrosion, to U.V. rays, to sterilization to hydrophilic behaviour, heat sealing to various supports or even antibacterial properties.

Complying with extensive regulations applicable to each sector: FDA (protecting public health and guaranteeing the food safety and drugs), RoHs (guarantees the restriction of dangerous substances in electrical and electronic appliances), Reach (manages the risks that some substances or products may pose to health and the environment), EU 10/2011 (regulation on materials intended to come into contact with food), among others, satisfying the expectations and requirements of a wide variety of sectors, manufacturing and marketing customized solutions to each customer.

ALUCOAT, committed to our activity and our customers, health and well-being (SDG3)

Die neue Version Alucoil Design 2.0 ist da, entdecken Sie die neue Version von Alucoil Design 2.0!

ALUCOIL, der Hersteller fortschrittlicher Materialien für die Bauindustrie eröffnet seine vollständig überarbeitete Website ALUCOIL DESIGN.

Vor einem Jahr führte ALUCOIL dieses neue Werkzeug ein, um seinen Kunden ein umfangreiches Sortiment von Farben und Spezialoberflächen zur Verfügung zu stellen, mit denen ihre larson®-y larcore® -Verbundplatten ausgestattet werden können.

Dieses Werkzeug, wurde speziell für alle im Baugewerbe Tätigen entwickelt , ermöglicht eine bildliche Darstellung unserer Produkte, um deren Wirkung nach deren Montage oder Einbau auf das Gebäuden zu simulieren.

Neben der breiten Farbpallette verfügt es über eine detaillierte und ausführliche technische Produktinformationskarte, die darüber Auskunft gibt, auf welchen Materialien sie angewendet werden können. Damit können sie einfach und übersichtlich auf einem mobilen Gerät oder PC verglichen und sofort bestellt werden.

Diese neue Version ist noch intuitiver und einfacher und stellt eine neue Suchtfunktion bereit, um konkrete Gebäudetypen, Farben, Architekten und Entwürfe herauszufinden.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Vorteil ist, dass Sie direkt auf der Webseite neue Muster bestellen und mit unserer Verkaufsabteilung Kontakt aufnehmen können.

Klingt das nicht praktisch? Probieren Sie es einfach aus und entdecken Sie die Vorteile!

Mohamed EL ALAMI neuer Vorsitzender und CEO von Aluminium du Maroc

Am 29. Juni fand in Tanger die Generalversammlung der Aktionäre von Aluminium du Maroc dem grössten Hersteller  von Aluminium-Strangpressprofilen in Marokko  und auf dem gesamten afrikanischen Kontinent, statt, um den Jahresabschluss 2019 zu genehmigen und Herrn Mohamed EL ALAMI zum neuen Präsidenten und CEO zu ernennen. Das Treffen bestätigte auch Clemente González Soler, den Vorsitzenden von GRUPO ALIBERICO, als Mitglied des Vorstands.

Aluminium du Maroc ist ein an der Börse von Casablanca notiertes Unternehmen mit seinem wichtigsten Aluminium-Strangpresswerk in Tanger und der Beteiligung von ALUCOIL S.A.


Granted by EFCL and ADEFAM, certifies that Aliberico work centres meet the requirements of hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing aimed at the control and prevention of Covid-19.

Madrid, June 30th. – Aliberico, the first Spanish and European family group that manufactures semi-processed aluminium products, has obtained the BSAFE certificate for its headquarters in Madrid and its various factories in Spain.

This seal, awarded by EFCL (Family Business Association of Castilla y León) and ADEFAM (Family Business Association of Madrid), certifies that Aliberico work centres comply with the requirements of hygiene, cleanliness and social distancing aimed at the control and prevention of Covid-19.

In this way, the central offices of Aliberico (Madrid) and the factories of Iberfoil (Sabiñánigo), RedBOND (Alicante), Aliberico Food Packaging (Madrid), Alucoat (Linares), Alucoil and Alintra Systems (Miranda), already have this certification that accredits them as „clean and safe“ work spaces.

Since the beginning of March, when the Covid-19 health crisis broke out, Aliberico and all its factories have been adapting to the new situation with the implementation of strict protocols that have allowed them to maintain the supply to customers over time and protect employees.

Aliberico has made hygiene in its workplaces extreme by increasing cleaning and disinfection services both in open spaces and for shared use, using products recommended by the WHO. Likewise, it has established the minimum social distance in all work stations and made an effort to disseminate and train, supported by posters on the premises, to raise awareness of the new health and safety regulations.

Other measures implemented in the Group’s work centres have consisted of providing employees with all the necessary protective material, such as masks and hydro-alcoholic gel, and encouraging private transport, facilitating vehicle access to the factories.

KPMG is the entity in charge of auditing the procedures and activities implemented in the companies applying for the BSAFE seal.

Aliberico is a company that subscribes to the objective SDG 3 of the United Nations, in order to guarantee a healthy life and promote the well-being of citizens.

„Strengthening the protection and safety of our workers, suppliers and customers has been our main concern since the beginning of the pandemic. With this objective in mind, we have established strict health and safety protocols that have now been endorsed with BSAFE certification. However, their implementation in record time and in such an effective manner would not have been possible without the effort and commitment of our employees to continue providing the best service,“ says Clemente González Soler, president of Aliberico.

IBERFOIL invests in Industry, invests in Future

IBERFOIL continues working in the facilities of its new building, which will have more than 4.500 m2, where a new production line will be installed for tension leveller of aluminium coils that will continue to increase the quality and range of products to be able to enter new markets, especially in the sectors with more delicate aluminium thicknesses.

IBERFOIL, specialized in aluminium rolling, is committed to innovation, investing in infrastructure and industry (SDG 9), creating jobs and increasing its presence in an environment that is increasingly demanding and changing.

Many months of effort have gone into setting up this new project, so don’t miss out on how the process has evolved over all this time.

IBERFOIL, committed to a sustainable future full of opportunities.